Appraisal Services


Market Value Appraisals

We provide this service for lenders, banks, mortgage companies, attorneys and homeowners. This appraisal service is one of the more popular types of valuation services in the appraisal business.


Retrospective Appraisals
(Estate and Divorce)

These assignments involve a past term value, which are based on the date of death/divorce of the person who owned the real estate assets.

Desktop Appraisals

These 24-hour turn-time assignments provide a valuation on real estate. The appraiser relies on verifiable sources and completes the report without an onsite inspection.


Prospective and Hypothetical Appraisals

This service is mostly for new construction, relocation and rehab appraisal assignments and require us to provide a value on future use, based on plans and specifications. We utilize current and pending sales to provide a supportable value of the improved real estate project.


Home Equity and Drive by Appraisals

When a lender is looking to provide a loan on real estate, an exterior appraisal is ordered based on limited access to the property. Assumptions on the property condition are made by the appraiser utilizing MLS listings, assessor cards and exterior street inspection of the property.

“People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou